In this episode, we are exploring Hinduism and looking at some surprising prophecies that you'll find in the religion. Welcome to, I have some very interesting info to share in this episode. If you enjoy learning about different religions countries cultures and people and also if you are you coming here to have to be facts comment down below for next topic. Now a little bit of an introduction before we get into like the 10 points to this episode.
One fact I got to
share about the prophecies in Hinduism is that in the prophecies in Hinduism
there also exists the notion of an awaited one or avatar which is understood to
be a manifestation of God in the bodily form now in Hinduism time is considered to be
cyclical and each cycle is ended and when a cycle ends the next cycle begins
with the appearance of an avatar, it's as if these avatars act like a certain
signal that separate the cycles from the next and when we examine Hinduism we
see that each cycle time is divided up into four separate phases or you guys
and these are in the order that they appear there's the control Yuga then
there's the Treta Yuga then the double par Yuga and the Kali Yuga and it's also
believed that the next avatar is going to be Kalki and he'll make an appearance
on the earth in the not-too-distant future okay so starting off with prophecy.
10 Surprising Prophecies in Hinduism
10. Buddha prediction
Buddha predicted one of the earliest prophecies that we can
see is of Lord Buddha. The Srimad Bhagavatam which is spoken about 5000 years
ago. It’s believed predicted the appearance of the Lord Buddha who appeared two
thousand five hundred years later according to most historians in 560 BCE. How
is there some other evidence that has shown that Buddha was born in 1887 BCE
and he renounced the world in 1858 and then he passed away in 1807 BCE? So
depending on what historian you ask they may give you some different dates
either way
9. Following away from religion
There's also a
prediction about the falling away from religion whenever there is a falling
away from the true law religion and an upsurge of unlawfulness and then I admit
myself I come into being age after age protect the virtuous and to destroy
evildoers to establish a firm basis for the true law and that's in the Bhagavad-Gita
chapter 4 verses 7 to 8.
8. Hypocritical saints
We have the prophecy of hypocritical saints those who
present themselves as Saints are constantly engaged in preaching false
doctrines. Those who have apparently renounced the world are rich in worldly
possessions and have become family men and you can find that in the Srimad Bhagavatam
BEF 300CE.
7. Wildfires
Brings us a prophecy
of wildfires and there's a passage that says and the path of the wind will be confused
and agitated and all around will be noise and uproar and everywhere there will
be conflagrations and fires will blaze on all sides and that's in the
Mahabharata and it's believed that was written about 3000 BCE.
6. Birthplace of Buddha
The birthplace of Buddha was also a prophecy the Bhagavata
says at the beginning of the age of Kali Yuga the Supreme Being will appear in
the province of Gaya as Lord Buddha the son of Anjana. Just for the purpose of
deluding those who are always envious of the faithful believer’s similar verses
are found in many other Puranas. This is about a time when the
unqualified people used perverted forms of Vedic rituals as well as
unnecessarily slaughter animals. Now it said that the Buddha rejected the Vedic
rites and he preached non-violence and this verse shows that Lord Buddha was an incarnation of the Supreme Being who would appear in Gaya which is a town in
central India. Nevertheless, though some historians also say that Buddha whose name was Siddhartha Gautama was actually born in lamby, Nepal, and his mother
was created Maha Maya now if you go to Nepal in the area where it's believed
that Buddha was born you'll see shrines pretty much everywhere dedicated to
5. Things will get worse
It's also prophesied
that wealth and piety will decrease day by day until the world will be totally depraved
then property alone will confer rank while will be the only source of devotion
passion will be the sole bond of union between sexes falsehood will be the only
means of success in litigation. Women will be objects merely of sensual
gratification. Earth will be venerated for its material treasures The brahminical thread will constitute the Brownian. External types will be the only distinction of several orders of life dishonesty will be the universal
means of subsistence. Weakness will be the cause of dependence on medicine presumption
will be substituted for learning, liberality will be devotion simple ablutions
will be purification mutual assent will be marriage, fine clothes will be
dignity and water afar off will be esteemed a holy spring. Amidst all caste he
who is the strongest will reign over the Principality no man's life will exceed
three and twenty years thus in the age of Kali shall decay constantly proceed
until the human race approaches its annihilation and that's taken from the
Vishnu Purana 4 vs. 24. Now it says a whole lot I just paraphrase and cut it
down into some bite-sized chunks but nevertheless it's pretty much the picture
that the passage paints.
4. Indulgence of Sexual Commerce
Now let's talk about
the prophecy of the indulgence of sexual Commerce the learned Pandits who are
the Hindu theologians for their part will indulge in sexual commerce with the
wives like Buffalo's. The experts in breeding children and are not at all
clever in attaining enlightenment the substance and depth of things has
disappeared everywhere and that's in the Srimad Bhagavatam.
3. Vishnu as Kalki
It said that Vishnu will return as Kalki upon a white horse
as the last avatar amid fire and flames and that's found in the Hindu Puranas
and that's believed to be written about 900 CE.
2. Affection & Enlightenment
It says that in the Kali age men will be afflicted by old age
disease hunger and from sorrow there will arise depression indifference deep thought
enlightenment and virtuous behavior. Then the age will change diluting their
minds like a dream by force of fate and when the Golden Age begins those leftover from the Kali age will be progenitors of the Golden Age. Thus there is
eternal continuity from age to age and you can find that in the Linga Parana chapter
one verse is forty. kind of gives you a picture of like things are gonna get
really bad and then get really good afterward it's definitely a similar theme
that we see popping up in other religions.
1. Suffering, Health, Money and more
Finally, prophecy is suffering and health money and more so yeah like I said just talking a little bit more about things getting worse before they get good this passage says already vexed by famine and heavy taxation. People will perish through drought excessive cold storms scorching sunshine heavy rain snowfall and mutual conflict. In the age of Kali, men will be tormented by hunger and thirst sickness, and worry and that's found in the Srimad Bhagavatam.
Alright, guys so that was a look at ten prophecies that
you'll find in the Hindu texts and I know most people don't really associate
prophecies with Hinduism but surprisingly many exist our guys
now before I end of this episode. Thank You…