"New Education policy will be implied by taking suggestions from States and Autonomous bodies. "India's Education System, It is always less how much we talk about it. After all, we all are its products, And this Education system has so many Dark sides, So let's talk about the dark side of the Indian Education System Today,
Indian Education System has so many Deficiencies, But I have
chosen some of them to tell you, tell me with which you relate the most. Then we
will talk about some of its solutions in this post only, So read till the end,
Dark Side of Indian Education System
1. Indian Education System is Created to Produce Employees
Think clearly, India used to have the system of Gurukula in the past. Both the King's and common man's children used to go there, and they don't use to tell who was the king's child and who was not. They used to get the same teachings and a Teacher-student tradition used to go on. After that, both great swordsmen and knowledgeable priests used to come out, and all of them were further trained in their respective fields and then go out to work. But now we study in an education system which was made by the Britishers, and there was a simple intent of the Britishers to imply this education system. They wanted employees who can take orders, and that's why they designed the whole education system in such a way that, order-taking robots can be created here. Unfortunately, we continued with the same education system even after the Britishers got away, on which we are still continuing, and which is one of the biggest mistakes of independent India.
2. It Kills Creativity
Look at the whole education system closely, when you go to school, then you have to go in a similar uniform and stand in one type of line, and sit at one type of desk, and everything must be uniform. If something is out of the ordinary, then it is punished rather than being encouraged. This was the education system's second big flaw, uniformity is promoted here, and creativity is discouraged. Nobody wanted to think out of the box but wants to walk on the same path. This is what the Britishers wanted so that more and more people can be made the order following robots, no one should have Creative thinking, and no one should think differently. So that they should not get any harm, hence, this is why our education system was made this way, and unfortunately, it is still prevalent today.
3. Very Much Method Oriented
Where do we talk about skills? we teach our kids to read a
book for a year, read all the chapters, and mug it up and then vomit it on the
answer sheet in the exam. After that, you are gifted with good 'numbers' and our evaluation system is this way only. Your skimming power is tested the whole time, and based on that, you are told that whether you are a 'good
student' or a 'bad student'. How can you test someone's skill and IQ from his
skimming power? but this is exactly what is done in our education system, that’s
why skill is not preferred here.
4. It is Becoming Increasingly Expensive
Just look at how much the institutes charge the students, and then look at the return of investment. You must spend lakhs of rupees if
you want to do any post-graduate degree in India. Then most of the students
take loans, and then they bear that loan for the next 5-10 years. Then to
the ROI is not too good, the employment numbers are not very high here, unemployment is at its 45-year peak. So this investment does not give you any
return. So such an expensive education system in which you are not made skill
oriented but memory-based. You are taught to follow orders and became an
employee, so what is its value? I am very frustrated at this thing, and you
must also have been, that’s why we will talk about its solution too in this post.
Now let's talk about the possible solutions for such huge
flaws of our education system,
1. NEP 2020
One solution which is mostly proposed in 2022 was NEP 2020, which was New Education Policy 2020. It had many Revolutionary sounding
solutions and they can do a big change. But the problem is
that how and when will it be implemented, because it seems so good on paper, but implementation is the key. Many states are also giving authority, as
states manage education, so different states will be implemented differently. So it is possible that it can be implemented in this session, but when will it
be fully implemented and its results will come, is still to be waited upon,
2. Teaching Values
The second is a revolutionary change that is required for a very long time. The values which we teach our children have no place for creative thinking, critical thinking, and logical reasoning. Our syllabus does not have these things. But when you go to take a job, then you are questioned about them and then children study logical reasoning after studying the whole syllabus. These are basic things that should be included in our curriculum, but they are missing, and creativity is also not that much value. So if our curriculum and our education system both, do not encourage creativity, you cannot evaluate creativity, but encourage it, which is very much required.
3. Make it affordable
The third thing is to make it affordable, this is very important, everybody has the right to education. It takes some amount of money too, which is justified, but nowadays the cost of some education streams has been increased up to 100 times. The government should intervene in this, and the other parts of institutions like teachers, are now coming online to teach and they have made education affordable and even free. These steps can be seen in the future too and hence we can turn education affordable and available for all.
4. Cohort based courses
The fourth and last thing which is an extension only is Cohort
based courses. We usually used to study from books, and go to school, and then
online courses came in recorded form. Now community-based courses have
come, where you can engage with others too, You can answer the question too. A community-based system is created, which is called cohort-based learning
courses. These are going to be very popular in the coming times. Now the
problem is that degrees were very much focused on until now, and it was
difficult to find a job if you did not have a college degree. But last year
Google announced it too, that they don't need a degree and you will get a job
if you have the skill, Microsoft has done a similar announcement too. So now
this thing is changing the whole world, that child will study online,
through cohort courses, and learn skills, the old school and college system is
removed, skill learning is emphasized, and companies are also giving jobs on
that basis. So this is a revolutionary change that is coming, it will take some time to come, but it will lay the path of the future for us. This was my
small article on the dark side of the Education system,